Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter Crafts

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It wasn't until my kids started daycare that I realized the true value of toilet paper rolls. They have consistently proven their worth with kids activities. On Good Friday, I didn't work and daycare was closed. So I decided to try to fill the day with fun activities. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why We Can Never Move To The Pacific Northwest

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Go On An Easter Egg Hunt

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I don't remember going on Easter egg hunts as a kid. I honestly don't know if this is because we didn't go on them, or if I just don't remember doing it. As a parent, I am always trying to find fun and free activities to take my kids to. At 4 and 5 they have been to dozens of parades and to two Easter Egg hunts this year alone. In Tiffin, they had the kids segregated by age. The younger kids have a higher concentration of eggs inside the cones. Beyond that it turns into anybody's game. The advice that I gave both kids was
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